About this Site

This website is a collection of all my learnings, and a humble showcase of all the different genres of writing I explore and enjoy. I am passionate about writing, be it any form.  I maintain this site which I keep updating as and when I fancy. The articles here range from the asinine to the heart-felt,from technical to creative, from downright funny to very very serious. I would appreciate if you could go through them and post your comments or mail me. I sincerely hope that they shall be read, criticized, understood and appreciated.

Sometimes, actually, most of the times, I have some weird, wacky and crazy thoughts. Also, sometimes, I wish to pursue my  journalistic aspirations. On friendship,foreplay or fatherhood; ranging from terrorism to privatization, they are all there. Articles posted here are just that. Random

However, sometimes, I am not in the mood to write epics. I feel like jotting down a few of my ideas, brain waves or one-liners. They can be anything from my good deed of the day to something marvellous I noticed that day. They are my Rants. I also use Twitter and Facebook for them more often now.

Coming to Technical Writing and Technical Communication, the profession I am currently into whilst exploring Marketing, Business Development, Project Management and a few other things. This blog is a written documentary on Technical Writing, as I saw it. As I grew, I documented my growth. I wrote what I learn about the field so that others can use the information. I would still recommend it for freshers to the field, or for people who want to join it.

I am no Stephen King, but a few of my articles are published online! Merinews and Flop Magazine have been kind enough to do that. This Links blog is a list of all my published articles. Also, it is a list of all my writings. 

I keep gathering information from places and store it in a miscellaneous blog . Check it out. You might find something that interests you! But hey, I have stopped updating information due to want of time, and I have no authority over the information out there. 

I'm a diabetic, a certified nutritionist, and a mad scientist that keeps experimenting on self time and again. I also religiously read, research and incorporate the latest and the best ( and sometimes worst) fitness and nutrition, health, well-being and fitness literature out there. The healthy body, healthy mind blog documents my trysts, experiments, researches and opinions on this wonderful topic.
Being a Dog lover, writing about our cutest family member Coco comes naturally. The Doggie blog is my take of all things doggie.

Thank you for visiting my site. Suggestions are welcome. Please visit my Contact Me page to know of ways to get in touch. I would love that!